Wowza Community

BEING DISCONTINUED! Wowza Player, Wowza GoCoder SDK, & ULL

Wowza Player, Wowza GoCoder SDK, and the technology powering the Ultra Low Latency service in Wowza Streaming Cloud will no longer be available on January 5, 2021.

It is important that you know that Wowza Player, the GoCoder SDK and ULL is only available to current customers who registered for a license key prior to April 2, 2020.

Note: This is not the same as a Wowza Streaming Engine or Wowza Streaming Cloud license key).

In order to bring you the best solutions platform now and in the future, we will sunset the Wowza Player, the Wowza GoCoder SDK, and the technology powering the Ultra Low Latency (ULL) service in Wowza Streaming Cloud. This process will start on March 31, 2020 and conclude on January 5, 2021. For more background and details about the enhanced solutions we’ll bring you in 2020 to aid your transition, please visit here.

Need help transitioning or want to know other options? Please email****.

Does the mean that sites we have with the Player will stop functioning on January 5th or you simply won’t provide support? We run the streaming engine on our own servers.

It will not work after January 5th. Wowza Player will no longer be available or supported as of January 5, 2021. Commercial licenses to Wowza Player will end on January 5, 2021; use beyond January 5, 2021 will be solely at customer discretion, understanding Wowza will no longer offer any support of any kind for the Wowza Player.

This info is in the article as well as how we can help you transition to a new player…

Also, for anyone else seeing this article, Wowza has been sending out emails to customers almost weekly since the beginning of March sharing this info so please check your spam in case it went in there!