Hi there, I just registered on wowza with free trial. I try to play the sample video in my html, but unfortunately it doesn’t playing the video. so, I try to add wowza player in my html file. so, I added the script then i check, there’s an error called illegal license key format. after this error, I check your community for solving the error, there you mentioned that wowza player key is not wowza stream engine key. Then I checking my email, and there’s no wowza player key. Can you please provide the wowza player license key for me?
Here’s a video tutorial to get you started on testing the sample vod in VLC player.
You would need some sort of HTML5 video player.
- Paste the playback URL into your player or a mobile browser depending on the protocol. Alternatively, you can use the Wowza Video Test Players webpage.