I’ve been looking into developing a module to set custom HTTP headers, however I am already running into problems on a very basic level. My module class is currently completely empty because I wanted to rule out any issues arising via my code:
package testpackage;
import com.wowza.wms.module.ModuleBase;
public class CustomHTTPHeader extends ModuleBase {
When adding this module to Application.xml, I would assume it should change nothing and affect nothing
<Description>Custom HTTP header plugin</Description>
After restarting the Application, I cannot stream to the application anymore and any HTTP calls made to the application (for an HLS playlist for example) hang at (pending). Removing the module and restarting the application fixes the issue. There are no errors in the log, neither on engine startup or application startup.
I already wrote a custom HTTP provider that has been running for years with no issues.
I am really baffled by this, am I misunderstanding something fundamentally about plugin development?
Thanks in advance for any pointers!
//edit there’s no difference in compiling in older or newer Java versions either; I assumed Wowza might have an issue there since it uses the packaged Java 9, but unfortunately that’s not it.