Wowza Community

SecureToken hash configuration

I’m noticing a lot of searches for SecureToken in the last month here in the forums. Can you let me know what you may need in addition to our doc on it? Are you looking for a video tutorial or more examples on how to set it up? Thanks.

SecureToken is a challenge/response system that helps to protect content against spoofing threats. Each connection is protected by a random single-use key and a password (shared secret). SecureToken playback protection works with all streaming protocols supported by Wowza Streaming Engine.

Hello Rose!

I would be interested in an example of hash generation for a live RTSP stream. Currently the RTSP example is for VOD and while I believe I have correctly converted the link type I have been unable to view the stream in VLC with my generated hash. An ability to view the hash that Wowza has generated would be nice as well, even if it requires an immediate re-authentication as I am guessing if the hash I am generating, and then converting to base-64 is even being done correctly. For my purposes I am trying to enable a secure stream to RTSP playback devices and not having it displayed in a webpage.


I never needed RTSP with secure token … but …
I think probably the RTSP address you are generating is … wrong.
I run the application with secure token.
It generates the RTSP address … and everything works in VLC.
The address looks like this: