Wowza Community

Updates to Wowza Video!

This is a an exciting one with a ton of features and updates!

We’ve made UI updates to the live stream workflow to make it quicker to get through and with less time spent deciphering options.

We also added the option to disable the VOD encoder for those RTS customers who just want an MP4 recording; the API option is available in v1.10 (beta).

Some of the live stream wizard UI changes you might notice:
Hosted page — The option for generating a hosted page is now on the Playback Setup tab. If you decide NOT to generate a hosted page, you don’t even see the hosted page configuration options, so you’ll have one less Next click!
Labels for billing modes — Billing modes were previously labeled as “Pay as you go” and “24x7”; they’re now “A single event” and “A 24x7 channel” to better reflect how the types are billed. A single event is use-based, and you incur charges for the time spent streaming. A 24x7 channel is unlimited stream time for one channel. This billing mode doesn’t incur overages, since it’s unlimited.
Closed captions — Specifying a type of closed captions is no longer available in the Add a Live Stream wizard. If you do want to include closed captions, after you create your live stream, update the live stream’s transcoder. See Include closed captions.
Responsive player — Live streams now always generate a responsive player. If you need a fixed-width player, you can use the REST API to create a live stream and set the height and width of the player. See POST Create a live stream.
Lower latency on HLS streams — The “Prioritize latency to create an HLS stream with the lowest latency possible” option is no longer available in the Add a Live Stream wizard. You can lower latency on your HLS stream by adjusting the segment duration and buffer, but you’ll do that directly in the live stream’s transcoder or stream target. See Deliver a reduced-latency HLS stream in Wowza Video. If you need a low-latency streaming option, consider WebRTC or Real-Time Streaming at Scale.

See the UI Release Notes for a high level list of the live stream changes customers are most likely to notice.

UI Release Notes

API Release Notes