Wowza Community

I have create a package for Wowza streaming platform in nodejs to generate secure token

I have create a package for Wowza streaming platform in nodejs to generate secure token

I inspired from remiheens/WowzaSecureToken

Install the package :

npm install wowza-generate-token
  1. Import the package: In your JavaScript file where you want to use the package, import it using the require or import statement:
const { WowzaGenerateToken } = require('wowza-generate-token')

const token = new WowzaGenerateToken('wowzaprefix','mySharedSecret');


const startTime = Math.floor( / 1000);
const endTime = Math.floor( / 1000) + (3 * 60 * 60); //3 hours

token.setExtraParams({ endtime: endTime, starttime: startTime, CustomParam1 : 'CustomValue' });

const secureToken = token.getHash();
const securedURL = token.getFullURL();
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