Wowza Community

LiveStreamPacketizerBase.addPacketizerEvent: Too many packets in event queue, pausing

Hi, I’m using Wowza for HLS Live Streaming. WSE was running fine until such errors started receiving in the error logs:

WARN server comment 2024-02-05 21:28:24 - - - - - 5909310.011 - - - - - - – LiveStreamPacketizerBase.addPacketizerEvent: Too many packets in event queue, pausing, errorCount:8250 events:10001 lastEventTC:1707150236283 eventCount:7698163 processingEvent:true
WARN server comment 2024-02-05 21:28:28 - - - - - 5909313.471 - - - - - - – LiveStreamPacketizerBase.addPacketizerEvent: Too many packets in event queue, pausing, errorCount:8500 events:10001 lastEventTC:1707150236283 eventCount:7698163 processingEvent:true
WARN server comment 2024-02-05 21:28:30 - - - - - 5909310.937 - - - - - - – HTTPStreamerAdapterCupertinoStreamer.onPlaylist[live/]: Session not accepted[986921312]
WARN server comment 2024-02-05 21:28:31 - - - - - 5909317.099 - - - - - - – LiveStreamPacketizerBase.addPacketizerEvent: Too many packets in event queue, pausing, errorCount:8750 events:10001 lastEventTC:1707150236283 eventCount:7698163 processingEvent:true

This caused the streams to black out, WSE manager didn’t load as well, so I had to restart the WSE which resolved the issue. Heap Size is set to 8GB (half of total CPU RAM). No spike in connections or Load Avg was observed during this time. Htop was fine as well. Wowza version is 4.8.24. What could be the probable issue?


This message: LiveStreamPacketizerBase.addPacketizerEvent: Too many packets in event queue implies a bottleneck somewhere in your streaming workflow. The server appears to be overloaded and can’t handle the load that’s been added at the time of incident.
Kindly submit a support ticket if you are still facing the issue and we’ll take a look at it.

Best Regards,
Drumil Desai
Technical Support Engineer
Wowza | The solution you start with, the partner you scale with.