Insert a pre-roll or VOD playlist before an HLS stream produced by Wowza Streaming Engine

Below are two client-side, browser-based example solutions for inserting a VOD pre-roll ad or a VOD playlist before an HLS stream produced with Wowza Streaming Engine™ media server software. This example code works for VOD-to-live or VOD-to-VOD. It doesn't work for live-to-VOD. Switching from one video or stream to another with different audio encoding doesn't work. The transitions aren't seamless; loading takes a few moments.

Insert a VOD pre-roll for live stream

function end(e)
var video = document.getElementById("video1");
video.src = "http://[address]:1935/[live-application-name]/myStream/playlist.m3u8&quot;
<video src="http://[address]:1935/[vod-application-name]/sample.mp4/playlist.m3u8" controls onended="end(event)" id="video1">

Insert a VOD playlist

var videos="sample2.mp4,sample3.mp4".split(",");

function end(e)
var video = document.getElementById("video1");

if (++next==videos.length)

video.src = "http://[address]:1935/[vod-application-name]/"+videos[next]+"/playlist.m3u8";

<video src="http://[address]:1935/[vod-application-name]/sample.mp4/playlist.m3u8" controls onended="end(event)" id="video1">
