Manage the image library in Wowza Video

You can upload, store, or delete images in Wowza Video's Image Library. Wowza Video creates several images from your video during the encoding process and assigns one as the default to be the video poster image that displays in a video before it starts playing. You can change the video poster by adding an image from your Image Library instead.

See the Image Library UI reference article to review the field options and descriptions found within the Image Library page.

To get to the Image Library page, click your profile in the upper left of any screen, then click Image Library.


Upload an image

To upload an image into your Image Library:

  1. Click Upload Image.
  2. Select a file from your device. The image displays on the page.

Delete an image

To delete an image in your Image Library:

  1. Click Delete Images.
  2. Select an image or images to delete. 
  3. Click Delete Selected. The Delete Images confirmation window displays.
  4. Click Delete Image.