Learn how to send streams from Wowza Video™ for playback on LinkedIn Live.
You can send any live stream to LinkedIn Live for playback by editing an existing live stream. After you create a live stream, navigate to the Components tab, click the menu on the highest output rendition (up to 1080p), and select Add LinkedIn Live.
Before you start
You should have access to the following items:
- A LinkedIn account.
You should complete the following tasks:
- Review LinkedIn Live's documentation to understand access criteria and community guidelines.
- Create a live stream. You'll update this live stream to send the stream to LinkedIn Live. See any of the following topics for more help creating a live stream:
LinkedIn has the following requirements for live streams:
- The maximum resolution is 1080p (1920 x 1080) at 30 frames per second.
- You must send a keyframe (I-frame) at least once every two seconds throughout the stream.
- The maximum recommended bitrate is 6000 Kbps for video, 128 Kbps for audio with a 48 Khz sample rate.
- The live video can stream on LinkedIn for up to 4 hours. Because of this limitation, 24x7 streams aren't compatible with streaming to LinkedIn Live.
Note: LinkedIn may change their live stream requirements at any time. For more information, see their LinkedIn Live Video Encoder Settings.
1. Configure the stream for LinkedIn Live
When you create a live stream, Wowza Video automatically creates multiple adaptive bitrate output renditions based on the aspect ratio and resolution of the source video. However, the highest resolution LinkedIn Live supports is 1080p, so for this tutorial you'll send that rendition to LinkedIn.
- In Wowza Video, click the live stream you created in the Before you start section.
- Go to the Components tab on the live stream's details page.
- Locate 1080p or next highest output rendition in the Outputs & Targets list. Depending on the input resolution selected, you might have different output resolutions to choose from. Choose the highest rendition you have available:
Abbreviated rendition name Full rendition name Notes Passthrough NA Always the highest rendition and reflects your input rendition. If your input rendition is greater than 1080p, don't add the LinkedIn Live target to this rendition, because it's higher than LinkedIn Live supports. 1080p 1920x1080 Highest rendition supported by LinkedIn Live. 720p 1280x720 480p 854x480p 360p 640x360 288p 512x288 180p 320x180
- Click the menu on the far right of the output and select LinkedIn Live.
- In the Add stream target dialog box, choose the type of LinkedIn Live target you want to create.
- Person – Stream to LinkedIn on behalf of a personal account.
- Organization – Stream to LinkedIn on behalf of an organization.
Note: You must be an administrator of an organization's LinkedIn Page to grant authorization for Wowza Video to stream to LinkedIn Live. See Creating a LinkedIn Page in the LinkedIn Help Center to learn more about pages.
- If you haven't already authorized Wowza Video to stream to LinkedIn, sign in to LinkedIn and click Allow on the authorization request page that opens.
- Enter a Target Name to identify the target in Wowza Video.
- If you are streaming from an organization's LinkedIn page, select an organization from the Organization field.
- Enter a Title to appear with the stream on LinkedIn. The title can be up to 255 characters and emojis are not supported.
- Enter a Description to appear with the stream on LinkedIn. The description can be up to 1300 characters and emojis are not supported.
- Select a Region. Choose a region that is the closest to the broadcast location of the Wowza Video live stream that you created.
- Click Save Changes.
You'll want to start your stream and test your playback on your LinkedIn page, just like you would with any live stream workflow.