Webinar: Deliver Live Interactivity With Real-Time Streaming at Scale


Did you know that the majority of streaming content distributors are aiming to achieve real-time delivery to audiences of 300+ viewers in the near future? 

Real-Time Streaming at Scale for Wowza Streaming Cloud answers this need — allowing broadcasters to create live streaming events that can instantly scale to a viral audience. This brand-new feature enables the sub-500ms streaming necessary for interactive experiences like auctions, esports, gambling, user-generated fan applications, and one-to-many training.

In this recorded webinar, we cover Wowza Real-Time Streaming at Scale in expert-level detail. Viewers will discover how to deliver real-time video to a million viewers on demand, as well as insights on how to deliver a smooth viewing experience that users can interact with. 

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How recent industry trends gathered in our 2021 Video Streaming Latency Report informed the development of this new feature.
  • How to reliably deliver sub-500ms live interactive streaming globally with Wowza Streaming Cloud.
  • How to scale up to a million viewers with on-demand availability, and the recommended workflows for achieving this.
  • How to deliver assurance that your audience will have a smooth experience from the moment they join your stream.

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About Laurie Wherley

Based in Asheville, NC, Laurie Wherley is a passionate marketer, who is responsible for a variety of outbound activities including global events, social media, product marketing, and webinar creation. When she isn’t working, you’ll find Laurie traveling the globe, throwing down in the kitchen, or laying on a remote beach.